SlickVPN is a US-based provider that has quite a few things going for it. They offer a large network of nations to choose from, a decent monthly price and good privacy protection.
Pricing & Plans
SlickVPN is very competitive where pricing is concerned. Their packages are as follows:
- Monthly – $10.00
- 6 Months – $30.00
- Yearly – $48.00
SlickVPN plans can be paid via credit cards, PayPal or Bitcoin.
Free Trial/ Money-back Guarantee
SlickVPN offers a thirty-day money back guarantee with their packages.
Privacy & Anonymity
SlickVPN does not log any customer activity.
Provider Logging Policy
According to their privacy policy: “Although we do not record, monitor or store any logs for any customers usage of our SlickVPN products, we do keep the following data:
- Length of time of the connection
- Timestamp (date and server time) of the connection to SlickVPN
Our logs are stored in RAM on our servers instead of written to the hard drive. Once our servers are shutdown or rebooted, all data for that server is deleted. We restart every server on a routine basis. “
Torrent Policy
SlickVPN does allow torrents. If you get a DMCA complaint while your connection is live, they will stop the session. They don’t have the ability to match IP addresses to users from logs, however, as their system uses shared IPs.
Customer Support
SlickVPN offers customer support around the clock. You can send inquiries and request for technical support through their Contact Us page. Their website also has a comprehensive FAQ section and knowledge base which could be helpful for your basic troubleshooting needs.
Product Testing
SlickVPN has a client that’s, well, pretty slick. The interface is easy to understand and very streamlined. It has a built-in speed test feature and quite a few others that make it suitable for serious users.
SlickVPN has a client for Windows and Mac. Android, iOS, Ubuntu Linux and routers can be set up manually.
VPN Server Locations
SlickVPN has 150+ servers in over 40 countries with 250+ anonymous IP addresses.
Countries Supported:

Speed Test
The speed test for SlickVPN was impressive, with the effect on our connection speed being negligible at best. Testing on a 50Mbps/5Mbps line, the speed was almost as fast as it was without the VPN connected.
IPCheck and DNSLeak Test
The IP and DNS did not leak when using this service. This test used OpenVPN over the provided client.
Feature Summary
- PPTP, IPSec and OpenVPN
- Mobile compatibility
- Decent prices
- Routers
- Hotspot security
- NAT Firewall
- Static IPs available
- Unlimited P2P Traffic
- Zero Logs
- Bitcoin Accepted
Additional Bonus Features
- SlickVPN offers HYDRA protection. HYDRA provides the most secure connection possible using extra hops over their internal network.
We Liked
SlickVPN only offered OpenVPN before. However, they now also support PPTP and IPSec protocols
Areas for Improvement
Based on our previous review, SlickVPN also offers block access accounts but on our recent check on their site, they no longer offer this type of plan. It would be an advantage for them to offer this again to give them a bit of an edge over their competition.
SlickVPN has a great privacy policy and their pricing is really good. They offer strong encryption and all the major protocols. This is a quality provider that’s worth looking into.
DON’T SUSCRIBE to slickvpn !!
technically good ! but my account was disabled “We received a complaint that this account was used for sharing copyrighted material while on our network. The account has been permanently closed for violating our Terms of Service.”