If you happen to use a bittorrent client such as utorrent, if you’re smart, you’re also using it with a VPN. Some ISPs will choke off traffic to peer-to-peer services and, of course, privacy when you are using a bittorrent client is always a good thing. To get the best possible security, you want a […]
Proxy Multiply Review
Proxy Multiply is not a VPN service but, rather, is a piece of software that allows you to get an extensive list of proxies all over the world. This may be particularly useful for people who just need to change their IP address but who don’t necessarily need the advanced encryption features that come with […]
Popcorn Time Review
Popcorn Time is an interesting program that allows you to stream media off of bit torrents. That means that you don’t have to wait for a download to complete before viewing. The program is particularly notable for having an incredibly easy interface to navigate. Popcorn Time has been compared to subscription video services and, in […]
Best VPN for the World Cup
Depending upon where you’re located, you might not have an easy time getting access to watch the World Cup. If you’re a football fan, this is obviously going to be seriously irritating, but there is a solution. VPN providers can give you access to a server located in a nation where you can stream the […]
SlickVPN Client Update
SlickVPN has updated its client. Most importantly, this update includes fixes for the Heartbleed bug that plagued the Internet at the beginning of this year. The client also includes better descriptions so you can get more information about your connection status. A problem that put too many gateway servers in a group has been fixed. […]
Best VPNs for Torrents and P2P File Sharing
Your ISP is most certainly watching you if you use P2P sharing programs or bit torrent for file sharing. If you’re tired of feeling like you have a Hollywood lawyer breathing down your neck while you’re on the Internet, you can use a VPN service to encrypt your traffic, making it unreadable to your ISP […]
Netflix and Comcast Peering Problems: Can a VPN Help?
The FCC is proposing new actions that could change the Internet forever, based on peering problems between demanding content providers like Netflix and ISPs, principally Comcast, in this case. These new actions would allow broadband providers to charge content providers for faster service over their networks. Essentially, high-bandwidth services like Netflix would have to pay […]
Krebs on Cybersecurity
Brian Krebs is something of a legend among hackers. He’s not one of their number and, as a recent article in the New York Times reveals, he’s certainly not up to anything illegal. His expertise is actually in journalism and his work largely involves learning about the most active and dangerous cybercriminals in Eastern Europe […]
Use TOR with a VPN for Additional Privacy
If you’ve been keeping up with the NSA spying scandal, you’ve probably become aware of TOR. TOR is one of the major thorns in the side of the NSA. It allows users to have their Internet traffic routed through a system of other computers, all set up on a volunteer network, that protects data from […]
New VPN Protocol: Chameleon
VyprVPN has introduced a new VPN protocol: Chameleon. Chameleon is a proprietary protocol, so it’s not open for inspection, but it provides encryption using the open source OpenVPN 256-bit encryption method, according to the company. The difference between Chameleon and standard OpenVPN is that Chameleon scrambles the packet data so that it cannot be identified […]
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