We’ve put together this list of countries and their status on censoring and regulating the internet. We’ve included a column that describes our understanding of whether or not the government is actively monitoring their citizens, (or any other persons’) activities on the internet. (It must be understood that this column is only an opined conclusion […]
Foreign VPN Providers May Be Good Options
If you’re in the market for a VPN provider, you may want to consider getting a provider located out of the US. This is because of recent revelations that the NSA has not only been spying on Americans, but they have violated their own restrictions on spying on Americans thousands of times, according to recently […]
Using Raspberry Pi to Connect to Your VPN Service
You can use Raspberry Pi to connect to a VPN. Be aware that it’s involved and that you’ll want to be comfortable using the terminal to get through the process. We’ll give you links where you can cut and paste most of the commands you’ll need. Why Do This? A Raspberry Pi VPN allows you […]
What Is the TPP?
If you keep up with issues having to do with Internet freedom, you’ve probably run across the term TPP before. This is an acronym for Trans-Pacific Partnership. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is, essentially, a trade agreement. What has Internet privacy advocates worried about this trade agreement is that the process by which it was developed is […]
The Trans-Pacific Partnership – So Many Bad Elements And So Few Good Ones
Since 2010 there has been a highly secret treaty being negotiated by at least 9 nations, and the hope is that others will enlist in the agreement. So far, the US, Peru, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, and Vietnam are enlisted. Canada has expressed interest, as has Mexico, and Japan. In the US, […]
Why You Should Not Use McAfee
McAfee is one of the most well-known antivirus software options out there. According to a story in TorrentFreak, the company has recently added a feature that users may find to be a bit disturbing. Knowing What You Download The new feature that has just been patented by McAfee detects pirated content and prevents people from […]
Protect Your Privacy When You’re Using Social Media
While social media definitely has a lot of good things to offer, there are serious security concerns with social networking sites. Users may not know it, but their Internet activity is being monitored when they’re on these sites and, increasingly, other sites are tapping into user’s social media activity by using “Like” and “Retweet” buttons […]
Currency Controls Today – Next Stop Total Information Control
More and more, governments are trying to get more access to information. They’re doing it through acts that, for instance, put very stringent reporting requirements on any individual who has foreign accounts and on foreign banks. At the same time, terrorism is being used as a justification to get other types of information, oftentimes without […]
Is Online Anonymity Doomed?
Along with agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, Google may be one of the worst offenders when it comes to protecting online anonymity. Despite the search engine giant’s public professions of not being “evil”, the company is increasingly making moves that work to end online anonymity as we know it. This has serious […]
Torguard Kicks off the New Year with New Discounts and Servers
Torguard is offering some discounts to celebrate the new year. They’ve also announced that they’ve added some new server locations for their service. Discounts Torguard offers proxy and VPN service. Their new year offerings include a 20% discount on all of their services. If you decide to sign up for an entire year’s worth of […]
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